Man does not serve the interests of any creature except himself

Людмила Советкина
1 min readNov 25, 2020

This quote is about the essence of humanity.

It was both in the distant stone past and in the present.

So it will be in 1000 years, unless of course humanity has disappeared by that time.

A person is a consumer, he consumes water, food, information, natural resources, human resources …

In ancient times, when people learned to make fire and use wood, they destroyed a third of the forests of our planet, extracting fertilizers … What is happening now, for everyone known.

Of course, you can’t talk about all people in the same way. As my classmate, Styopa, remarked, now people are engaged in volunteering, ecology, selflessly helping the planet and other people and trying to somehow reduce the damage caused by people. But, unfortunately, there are too few such people to fix anything. Consumption rates are growing in geomeric progression. Consumption develops into greed, greed, gluttony. By the way, these are mortal sins :)

I mean that everything material is temporary and meaningless. There is no need to tie yourself to anything (things, clothes, people, food, any conditions). Addiction controls a person, so it is better to manage addiction by giving up and developing spiritually.

